Dear ALL,

Many of us spend a good deal of our time staring at screens from laptops, computers, smartphones, gaming systems and television. This can put a lot of strain on our eyes and cause eye fatigue. When using your screens give your eyes a break.

Use the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.

TEACH THIS RULE TO OUR KIDS AND FOLLOW THIS METHOD DURING THE ONLINE SESSIONS. It’s a globally proven method by the Association of Ophthalmologists.

Also, kindly follow the safety instructions below:

1.) Lighting of the home class room : From the ceiling onto the work place; no focus lights or table lamps with light  directly falling on the eyes

2.) Student’s Chair : Good support   from the hip to the shoulder blades; 90 degree angle between thighs and legs; feet firmly on the ground

3.) Student’s desk : Placed such that distance between computer and student is 25 inches at least and top of computer monitor is 6 inches below the student’s eye level

4.) Frequent breaks:

20-20 rule (20 second break after every 20 minute system work) is ideal for online classes..

Five to six minute break with a stroll and focusing at a distance after every hour of online session

5.) Protection against glare: Anti glare monitor over the screen and    blue light shield enabled if available in the computer.

6.) Children with refractive error to wear glasses compulsorily while attending online classes

7.) Any symptoms of redness, pain in eyes, headache, irritability in the child could be due to computer vision syndrome and the child needs to be checked by an eye doctor.